Multisyllabic Word Reading Instruction

Students will learn the six syllable types, develop a solid morphological knowledge of 38 affixes, and utilize flexible strategies to decode and encode multisyllabic words.

Students will increase their ability to mentally divide multisyllabic words, using CR Success’ effective syllable-division routine. 

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Real Results from Real Teachers

See how 🔴 The Six! is Making a Difference

“Going back through the syllable types, with larger, multisyllabic words, instilled confidence with our students when coming to 'big' unknown words. Using these skills on paper, after having used the magnet boards in the past, gave them freedom to use these skills in everyday reading and writing.

Not only did students' accuracy and reading fluency improve on NWEA MAP Reading Fluency with grade-level passages, they carried the skills and strategies over to their weekly spelling, too. The Six! was an invaluable resource, especially for our students with diagnosed reading disabilities.”

Teacher, Ann Arbor Christian School

Designed for

3rd graders at grade level

4th - 5th graders who are reading below grade level

Engaging Instruction

36 whole-group lessons; 25-30 minutes per lesson

Progress monitoring provided along with plans for differentiated learning

High Quality, Durable Materials

The Six! Kit includes all teacher materials including 36 powerpoint lessons, teacher manual, and assessment file.


The Six! Student Workbook

$50.00 per pkg. of 5

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The Six! Teacher Guide
The Six! Student Workbook (pkg. of 5)