Handwriting with a Purpose

Designed by an occupational therapist, Home Run Handwriting has students learning to print letters and decodable words that are aligned to CR Success Reading Programs or any sequential phonics program. Students will not only master correct letter formation but will connect writing with reading by printing words and sentences that they can actually read.

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Kindergarten Level

This 108 page workbook develops accurate letter formation for lowercase and uppercase manuscript letters. Students solidify their sound-symbol associations while spelling one-syllable words. Intentional practice is carefully supported through letter models, shaded handwriting lines, and starting points for letters. Common sight word practice is also included.

Level 1

In this 96 page workbook, students develop greater accuracy with letter formation while practicing letters grouped by their beginning stroke. They apply their hand-writing skills to writing words and sentences which are aligned to Wordsmith Level 1. Level 1 will work with any structured literacy program at the first grade level.

Level 2

In the 102 page workbook, students master handwriting fluency while writing words, sentences, and paragraphs at a second grade reading and writing level.